Abuse reporting.

GoDaddy Corporate Domains is committed to providing the best experience possible to our clients and anyone who interacts with them. Please let us know if a name registered here is being used in a malicious or abusive way.

Domain name registrants are required to use and manage their domain names under the terms of their registration agreement. The registration agreement and its terms of service prohibit the registration and use of the domain name for certain purposes, including for the distribution of malware, the operation of abusive botnets, phishing, or other activity contrary to applicable law. We take reports of abuse seriously. If you need to report that a domain name registered through us is being used for an abusive or malicious purpose, you may send an email to: abuse@gcd.com or send us postal mail at the address below.

Abuse reports should identify (a) your name and contact information, including your postal address, email address, and a telephone number at which you can be reached; (b) the domain name that is the cause of, or associated with, your report; (c) the nature of the harm caused, with sufficient detail for us to investigate your report; and (d) whether the harm is current and ongoing. Abuse reports that contain each of these elements will be given priority.

Reports from law enforcement, consumer protection agencies, or quasi-governmental or other similar authorities should identify the name of the relevant agency and the jurisdiction in which it operates. We respond to all reports from law enforcement or related agencies within twenty-four (24) hours.

All abuse reports are ticketed and sent to our abuse and compliance team for investigation and handling. In some instances we may need to contact our customer for a response or additional information. Our investigations are confidential and you will receive additional communications from us only if we need more information to understand or evaluate your report.

E-mail for communication:


Phone number for communication:

1 (518) 831-5864

Address for postal communication:

Registrar Abuse Report
GoDaddy Corporate Domains.
2155 E. GoDaddy Way
AZ 85284